Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!

Just stopping in to wish you all a wonderful sweet and loved filled day!



Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Scrappy Trip Along + Circle Cutters

It's done! It's done! It's done! I have finally finished my Scrappy Trip Along! And I loved every minute of it. It was really fun to do and I plan on making many more of these in the future.

This was the first quilt that I have made that wasn't a specific collection. It was really out of my comfort zone. I was nervous when I first started it because it just looked like total chaos to me. But after I finished around 12 blocks and laid them out it started to come together and I was really starting to like fact I was LOVING it. And I am loving how the the binding turned out. I used V&Co's Ombre Jelly Roll. Fun Fun Fun! Super happy when I finished it. This will definitely be a very loved quilt :)

And on another note... I love rulers/templates. I pretty much order all of them when they come out. Call it a small addiction if you will. So with that being said (total enabler alert) have you seen these yet?????

Uhmmmm.Yeah.I just ordered these bad boys! Lori Holt from Bee in my Bonnet designed these and you can get these wonderful goodies HERE . And they come in 4 awesome sizes! SQUEEL! I am super excited about these OOOOHHHHHHHH the possibilities!

Hope you all have a wonderful week!



Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursdays Thought + Stash Club

Thursday's thought is that I need to really organize my office/sewing space. Between work, kid, husband, tons of homework (what are these teachers thinking) I don't get a lot of downtime to clean my sewing room. I'd much rather crawl and trip over stuff and sew than clean it ;) And lucky for me I came across a Spring Cleaning for your sewing room kinda challenge. HERE

I am always looking for some input and inspiration on how to organize myself and I think this may just what I have been looking for :) So if your looking for that little boost to get yourself into the spring cleaning mood check out Pink Castle Fabrics blog (link above) and give it a shot.

ENABLER ALERT: On another note...I have started to realize that my "stash" just isn't much. I haven't been sewing for very long so I know it will take some time to build it up. Unfortunately..I get all excited when I see these awesome quilts being done using your stash and scraps..Hmmm..can't really play if I don't have anything to play with. SO low and behold they have things just for these little problems.

How perfect is this! Yep...a club to build your stash. LOVE. So needless to say I joined and my little stash collection is starting. Happy Happy Happy :) So if you need a little extra for those awesome stash and scrappy projects check it out HERE

On another side note...I do not receive anything from Pink Caslte Fabrics I just really love both of these little diddy's and thought I would share. :)

Have a wonderful week!



Monday, February 4, 2013

Sugar Block Club + Some Favorites

If you have not already heard about the Sugar Block BOM Club you need to check it out HERE . This is my first year doing it and so far I LOVE it! Amy has come up with some really super awesome blocks that I am looking forward to doing and her techniques are wonderful for ALL sewing abilities. (Even beginners like me who may/may not have a clue how to even start some of the blocks ;) Which is what I love since I am relatively new to sewing. So if you get a chance go check it out. I am sure it will be instant love. I have decided to use Sweetwater's Mama Said Sew for my BOM. Kinda excited to see what it's going to look like :)

Right now I am completely obsessed with the Scrappy Trip-Along. Mine is almost complete. I have to finish the quilting and then bind it. I cannot wait to curl up with this quit full of awesome color! If you are following on Flickr or Instagram then you know how crazy this has become. I love looking at all of them and it's kinda cool when you see one and you know right away who did it...Like this one... HERE

This is Camille Roskelley's version of Scrappy Trip-Along I could pick her stuff outta a million differnt quilts. LOVE.  If you haven't been to her blog't walk to check it out HERE . She does some super amazing stuff.

So what have you been working on?

Have a great week!



Sunday, February 3, 2013

First Post + Quilts

Well this is my first post on my new blog I still have my other blog HERE but I wanted a blog dedicated towards my quilty stuff :) Quilting is a new crafty adventure for me. My "other" mother has been trying to get me to quilt for like 15 years. And Not.So.Much. I had absolutely no interest in quilting. I was a scrapbooker. Yep a scrapbooker. Still am. I lived, ate and breathed it. Then last year in April I literally woke up one morning and wanted to quilt. It was quite funny when I called my "other" mother and told her to. She laughed and laughed and laughed some more. At one point I put the phone down walked away and came back and she was still...yep laughing. Ever since then I am hooked. Hooked in a big way. I stalk delicious beautiful blogs filled to the brim with quilty goodness and I stalk online fabric stores for all the latest and greatest goodies... Hmmm.. kinda like this one...MUST.HAVE...

Yep. I am in LOVE with this new line. I want to make everything with it. Tula Pink is rocking my world these days :) I will be making this...One of these days. I may be ninety by the time I finish it but I will make this....

And next on my list of to-do's will be to play with this lovely little stack of goodies. I am really looking forward to when this comes out.

And I got sucked into the Scrappy Trip-Along ride and I have to say I have seriously loving this quilt. I haven't been quilting for a very long and this quilt forced me to step out of my comfort zone. Just grabbing different fabrics from different lines was really hard for me but once I got into a groove I LOVED it! Can't wait to start another one.

Almost done with this one and as soon as I finish it I will post it. Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful week.

